What was the Burr Conspiracy?
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Portrait of Aaron Burr
Portrait of Aaron Burr

The Office of Civilian Defense, created in 1941, was a federal emergency war agency that was responsible for the coordination of state and federal measures to protect civilians in case of a war emergency. The agency's relevance peaked during the 1950's during the tumultuous early years of the Cold War.

Portrait of the Dueling Ground between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
Work Cited
  1. Levine, G. N., & Modell, J. (1965). American Public Opinion and the Fallout-Shelter Issue. Public Opinion Quarterly, 29(2), 270–279. https://doi.org/10.1086/267323
  2. Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization. The Family Fallout Shelter, The Family Fallout Shelter (1959).
  3. Soviets Get Atomic Bomb. (n.d.). photograph.
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